Martunya on DeviantArt

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my mates - finished



full done of this -> [link] ^_^-

this time my native first, gomen XD. English below =P

<< Bardzo podobaja mi sie twoje rysunki, dobry pomysl, bys kiedys nasza grupe narysowala ^^ >>
mniej wiecej tak brzmial powod, przez ktory stworzylam ten art ^-^. chcialam zamiescic cala moja grupe, czyli 16 osob, ale w takich "grupowkach" jestem slabiutka i kartka wydawala mi sie zbyt mala >_< n00b jestem, wiem Xd. ograniczylam sie wiec tylko do osob, z ktorym spedzam najwiecej czasu i z ktorymi mam najwiecej smiechu, z drugiej jednak strony ciagle mi przykro, ze nie moglam zamiescic wszystkich =( =( (wybaczcie ludzie V_V), bo wszystkich...ok, prawie =P...BARDZO lubie :hug: mam nadzieje narysowac kiedys cala grupe.... =)
oki, na rysunku od gory z lewej wystepuja =P : O.H, J.J, W.H, O.G (pochylajaca sie ^^), E.G, M.G (tia, ja XD...ta w okularkach 8-d).
wiem, ze calosc wyglada dosc dziwnie, w zamierzeniu mialo to byc cos jak stare zdjecie by wyrazic moja nadzieje na dluuuga znajomosc =^.^=, ostatecznie wyszlo cos na ksztalt starego obrazu -_-...anyway, choc obiecalam nie robic kolorkow w PS :blush: , efekt sie podobal dwom z tych osob i dostalam pozwolenie na zamieszczenie tutaj =D

bedzie jeszcze jedna wersja w kredkach...jesli sie spodoba ^^;

do tych, ktore wpadaja na moja galerie :aww: :
dziewczyny, to dla Was...wiecie, ze Was uwielbiam, ne? :glomp: :blowkiss: ^____^'


<< I really like your drawings, it`s good idea if you would draw ur group someday ^^ >>
that more or less was the reason why I drew this art ^-^ I wished to draw whole group, that`s 16 people, but I`m very weak with group shots and sheet of paper seems for me too small for this. What a n00b I am...I know Xd. So, I put here ppl I spend the most time with and have the most laughter with but on the other hand I still feel so sorry that I couldn`t draw all of them =(=( (ppl please forgive me V_V), coz I REALLY like my whole group (ok, almost all =P) :hug: al I still hope to draw group one day... =)
ok, art depict from up-left: O.H, J.J, W.H, O.G (bowing one ^^), E.G, M.G (yup, that`s me XD... with glasses one 8-d)
I know it looks odd, it meant to be something like old photo as my expression of hope for loooong lasting relation with them =^.^=, in the end it turned out like old painting -_-...anyway, although I promised not to colour art with PS :blush: , 2 of them liked the effect and I got my allowance for submit here XD

there will be one more done this crayons...if girls like it ^^

to these that visit my gallery :aww: :
this one is for you, know I adore you all, ne? :glomp: :blowkiss: ^_______^'

take full view please. I think it`s worth it ^^
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1244x1572px 141.33 KB
© 2005 - 2024 Martunya
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Olinka85's avatar
Ooo I'm on this picture :D It's nice to go down memory lane :)

Martunya thanku you for this picture :D :blowkiss: :hug: